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Time At Work

All organizations need to keep track on how their employees spend their time, and there are a lot of systems out there.

But if you need a system that really integrates your business processes, where the time registration system is directly linked to both manufacturing orders, documentation, salary and invoicing then we stand out. Or if you need to integrate hired personnell in the reporting - without messing up the salary reports. Or perhaps if you need to strengthen your follow up of absences. 

The timesheets

The core of all Time reporting is the timesheet - the data records  - and what separates the different systems is how does the data get there.

We work with many different businesses - accountants, lawyers, construction companies like scaffolders, consultants, janitors, industry/manufacturing, transportation, offshore/oil and gas, webshops - each with different requirements and some even combined processes.

Stamp clock, web, mobile, mobile work order, QR code all default options - and we also can set up geofencing and other GPS integrations og integrate with access control systems.

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Schedules and rotations

Most employees work on some sort of schedule. Office workers on a 8 to 17 weekdays (not weekends), industry on 2 or 3 shift with variable start/stop time and a given rotation plan (e.g. 21 days).

With Time At Work you can have all kinds of schedules and rotations at the same time - the only limitation is that an employee can be assigned to just one of them at the same time.

You can even keep track of hired personnell and let them register time as if they were ordinary employees - except their hours will be added to a Purchase Order in stead of salary report.

Mobile workers and projects, orders and tasks

Time registration is - of course - available on smartphones.

But the big picture for many customers is that it starts with a customer order or project for someting to be manufactured or produced. A task for somebody to perform.

So we have connected it, simplified the registration and completion process and even attached documentation, checklists and even invoicing to the smartphone time registration.

The perfect bridge between the on side workers and back office project manager and accounting.

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Absence handling

Most of our customers highlight the simple but powerful Absence reports as one of the key values of Time At Work. Not just for the "monthly board of directors" reporting, but because it enables the managers to follow up each absence and each worker based upon facts, not gut feeling.

For the customers who really want to reduce absences and that decide to do this systematically, the results are outstanding. We have even made a white paper on how to reduce absence - the Scandinavian way.

Easy to use and flexible reports

In addition to absence reports, we have selscted a few standard reports for employee/salary, customer/invoicing, overtime and projects as main angles of monitoring you business.

Keep your employees informed about vacation days used/spent, flexi time status, worked hours and timesheets not deliverd.

Then we have the drill down reports, built for finding the unexpected, triggering cusiosity and creativity and asking the right questions.

And finally, we have our new report engine offers speed, accuracy and flexibility in the extreme. Filter your data, calculate, sort, summarize, highlight or group data, present it graphically and pivot data. Save your favourites and share them  via email as daily, weekly or monthly reports.

KeyP - Time reports

A few key questions any business need to ask themselves - and that KeyP is designed to answer - are:

  1. Do we spend our time on the right customers. Should we spend the same amount of time on small fish as the "A-customers" - the 20% generating 80% of our invome?

  2. Do we spend our time doing the right activities or do we have to much internal time and meeting or unpaid fixing of errors?

  3. How much of our time is invoiceable - and which customers get a lot of free time?

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