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Supplier Invoices At Work

The perfect start for any organization looking to improve their purchasing process. Designed to make full use of PEPPOL/eInvoice data like accounting automation and item line search/reporting. The advanced purchase order matching "line by line" with extreme precision for eInvoices - is a natural next step in the united Purchase to Pay concept.

Invoice handling

Define your financial rules like approving rights and limits and steps in the approval process and the system will enforce it.

Monitor the flow of invoices visually from worklists or graphical reports, sorting in worklists is both good looking and effective.

The built in exception handling eliminate the risk of invoices getting stuck without anyone noticing, with intelligent notifications in case of paused handling.


Data capture and validation

Even if PEPPOL eInvoices will take over in the next few years and At Work has been a cretified provider since 2014 with Access Points in Sweden and Norway, PDF via email and even scanned paper invoices will come in significant numbers.

We have made OCR and validation an integrated part of our application, and now offer two different engines:

  • CrossState for accuracy, complicated invoices and high learning capability

  • ECIT with AI learning and community learning for extremely fast performance with less than two minutes from uploading the invoice until it is ready for validation

We also have made it easy to outsource the validation service (or centralize it for accounting offices and corporations).

Advanced accounting options and templates

Advanced templates with many accountlines and our new grid accounting option (excel style editing) provides ease and performance only beaten by our PEPPOL invoice templates which use invoice data directly to create ultra precise accounting. Define super accurate logic for accounting fuel, service and leasing invoices for company cars with many accounting segments and approvers!

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Match invoices to purchase orders - line by line

Fully machine matching of lines for PEPPOL/EDI invoices - combined with accounting templates for freight and other costs is the perfect world processing.

For the not so perfect world with PDF or paper invoices, we recommend our super fast and easy to use grid edit interface - even the best OCR engines hit only about 80% of the matches and correcting the last 20% takes as much time as manual matching.

More than one invoices for same purchase order or many purchase orders on same invoice? We handle it - but we don't recommend it.

With full drill down from invoice to purchase order, and then to Agreements or Price Lists i needed.

Search and reports - fast, easy, unlimited

Our new search engine offers speed, accuracy and flexibility in the extreme. And it doesn't stop there.

Filter your data, calculate, sort, summarize, highlight or group data, present it graphically and pivot the data is just the beginning. Save your favourite reports, email them or even subscribe to them via email as daily, weekly or monthly reports. And yes, you still can download it to Excel if you like, but when you have learned our new reports we don't think you want to any more.

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KeyP - Supplier reports

If you really want to improve your purchasing process - and save big money - our KeyP applications are your obvious choice.

KeyP stands for Key Performance monitoring - and it will in real time display e.g. which suppliers you buy more from, which items you buy (from PEPPOL item lines), development month by month compared to previous periods and your "top 20 suppliers".

The Pareto principle At Work!

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